Implementation of M-government: Leveraging Mobile Technology to Streamline the E-governance Framework
m-government, e-government, mobile, electronic, technologyAbstract
Mobile-government (m-government) is the initial stage of the development of the futuristic trends of the e-government. There are several features of advanced technologies of mobile platforms, including smartphone applications, internet facilities, integrated personal computer platforms are promising developments for incorporation into various socio-economic systems. In the same purview, the growth of the technology of m-government has been tremendous. An evolution of the practice of m-government can lead to excellent communication patterns between the government and the voting population. The current study evaluates the various features of m-government, its implementation, the process of general incorporation into the system of governance. This study focuses on the generic challenges surrounding the application of m-governments across different locations in the world, its relevance to the citizens, as well as reviewing the potential requirements and possible challenges in its implementation. This current study reviews existing literature to understand the various benefits of the technology of m-government with the primary focus of this study is to determine the methods of enhancement of government information regardless of the time and location. A detailed review of existing literature pertinent to m-government and compiles the findings on the definition, usability, challenges, and implementation of m-government was conducted. Findings suggest a need for the development of a model for technical, political and social assessment of user intent for adoption for mobile services in particular. It effectively establishes a relationship between various drivers of m-government and user acceptance.
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