Cloud-Based Management Information System: A Systematic Review and Future Research Scope
cloud computing, security, technology, MISAbstract
Several organizations, mostly governmental, have adopted information systems for management. They are considered especially helpful for large projects that have a high degree of complexity. Due to this, most firms, especially in developing countries like Jordan, can remain on their core functions with the successful adoption of cloud-based management information systems. This study primarily focuses on the systematic review of several studies in the literature that have evaluated management information system through cloud computing technology. In order to achieve the aim of this study, a systematic review of management and business process journals is conducted Results returned are evaluated and assessed to understand principle functioning of information systems, their uses in management, and adaptation of cloud-based MIS. Results of the assessment are compiled and a collective conclusion about the adoption of cloud-based MIS have been discerned for our present study. Findings indicate a structural focus on cloud-based management information systems among small and medium enterprises, several organizations, mostly governmental as well as industrial giants. Therefore, through this research study, the applicability of cloud-based MIS into the management processes is explored and highlighted. Various advantages and applications of cloud-based MIS in outsourcing and management are compiled from related studies in the literature
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