Impact of work alienation feelings on turnover intention in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority located in Jordan


  • Shaker Habis Nawafleh Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Jordan
  • We’am Aref Alkhalayleh Department of Business Management, School of Business, Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan
  • Mohammad Khair Farhan Qerba Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies, University of Jordan, Jordan



Work Alienation, Employee Turnover Intention, Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Jordan


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of work alienation on employee turnover intention among the employees in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority. Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional design were used by distributing of (100) self reporting questionnaire, which was consist of three parts; the first part was for the demographical characteristics of the employees, the second part was for the Work Alienation scale and the third part was Anticipated Turnover Scale (ATS). The results revealed that work alienation levels was in a moderate level {mean= 3.13 (SD=.81)}, and a total of 27 (29.3%) employees show the aim of turnover the jobs. Moreover, the regression results reveals that there was a strong significance effect for work alienation on employee turnover intention (r = .729); and (53.1%) of the employee turnover intention could be explained from work alienation. The negative effect of work alienation in the preservation of the expert employees, need more focus and hard work by the human resources departments to take precautionary measures for this negative effect.




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