Exploring the Multiple Benefits of CSR on Organizational Performance: Case of Lebanon


  • Hussin Hejase, Dr. Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon
  • Cybelle Farha Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon
  • Ziad Haddad Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon
  • Bassam Hamdar, Dr. Faculty of Business and Economics, American University of Science and Technology, Lebanon



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Corporate Social Responsibility- CSR- Exploratory- Lebanon- Organizational Performance


Companies around the globe are recognizing the importance of engaging in Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) that is crucial to their survival and growth. It is evident that when an
organization integrates appropriate CSR practices in its strategy that embed the societal and
environmental concerns, these practices undoubtedly bring tangible benefits to the business along
with a sustainable competitive advantage.

In Lebanon, there is a consistent need for the Lebanese community to live in a safe, clean and
healthy environment. Companies can no longer act as isolated entities that can run separately from
the society and the environment in which they operate and with which they interact, disregarding
the impact of their activities on the economy, the society, and the environment; these companies are
assuming and acknowledging their responsibility not only towards shareholders through profit
maximization but also towards all stakeholders through enhancing the welfare of the society and
adopting environmentally-based behavior.
However, there exists a substantial lack of awareness of CSR among Lebanese companies. The
current practices in Lebanon have suffered from the lack of responsible behavior towards the
employees, the economy, the society, and the environment. Consequently, the current research
addresses the urgent managers’ need to understand what CSR is and assess the multiple benefits of
its programs, and how they may help and end up in a win-win situation if CSR is implemented

This research is exploratory in nature and uses a survey questionnaire distributed to a convenient
sample of Lebanese managers and employees working in Lebanon. The purpose is to assess the
knowledge and the implementation of CSR programs at selected number of Lebanese firms. This
research attempts to define the gap between the existing socio-economic and environmental
problems and the responsiveness levels of Lebanese firms to such problems.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Hejase, H., Farha, C., Haddad, Z., & Hamdar, B. (2012). Exploring the Multiple Benefits of CSR on Organizational Performance: Case of Lebanon. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 1(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.25255/jss.2012.