Managerial Efficiency Modeling of Water use in the Republic of Lebanon
Water, Water budget, Lebanon, Water Scarcity, efficient water utilizationAbstract
Lebanon is one of the few countries in the Middle East with adequate water. Rainfall is relatively plentiful and the country is blessed by several large rivers. But when the residents of Beirut and its surrounding suburbs turn on their water taps, most of the time, nothing trickles out. In summertime, the water supply can be as little as three hours per day for many households, Government negligence, waste water mismanagement, and sanitations are the most problems of the shortage of water in Lebanon.
This paper presents a detailed study of the water situation in Lebanon, as the water shortage is a serious problem that affects the life of Lebanese citizens, presented in this paper a detailed budgeting system for the water in Lebanon by measuring incomes from rains, rivers, snow, outcomes from sanitation, waste water, and mismanagement .
This paper depends on secondary data as published reports, statistics, and studies by Lebanese governmental agencies, as well as on the Lebanese water strategic planning program of 2010 of the Ministry of Water and Power that helps define different aspects of this research.
This paper focuses on the generation of solutions in the near future and the long term as well, and discusses briefly the Lebanese situation using analyzed data. Moreover, the paper’s outcome is cast into a water budget which gives a future prospect for the water situation in Lebanon, and it indicates ways and means to overcome the water shortage in the country.
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