Liability Limits of Transport Commission Agent




Liability Limits of Transport Commission Agent, fraud, Gross fault, Force majeure


Considering the importance of transport commission agent's work and through the examination of transport commission agent's liability, the intensity and burden of transport commission agent's liability is shown. The legal nature of a transport commission agent's obligation is an obligation to achieve a result, thus he usually has to contract out of liability, either through the legal limits of liability where the law established the legal exemptions that the transport commission agent would benefit from, as well as the agreement limits of liability through the cases in which the law allowed the transport commission agent to establish a condition under the agreement exempts him from liability or specify his damage liability.

Since the law prohibited the transport commission agent from establishing any condition that exempted him from liability in the cases of damage and injury, thus he is bound by compensating his agent fully for the occurring damages, except the cases in which the transport commission agent establishes a condition to limit his liability within the limits permitted by the law. 

Lastly, the development and importance of the transport commission agent's trade and profession and its resulting legal conflicts and problems are the reason behind conducting this study in order to identify the liability limits of the transport commission agent.


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Biografia Autor

Mohammad Battah, Dr., Amman Arab University, Jordan


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Como Citar

Battah, M. (2021). Liability Limits of Transport Commission Agent. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 10(1), 119.138.