Theoretical Study on the Impact of Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Learning Culture in Jordanian Telecommunication Companies


  • Najwa Mohammad Ashal University of Jordan
  • Bader Yousef Obeidat
  • Hazar Alhmoud Department of Management Information Systems, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan



Strategic Orientation, Learning Culture, Organizational Performance, Jordan


This study proposed a research model to investigate the impact of strategic orientation on organizational performance in Jordanian telecommunications companies. In addition, it will examine the mediating role of learning culture using the dimensions of the learning organization questionnaire (DLOQ). A model was developed that presents the dimensions of strategic orientation, learning culture, and organizational performance. A random sample of 321 managerial and non-managerial employees will be taken. We will test if strategic orientations (market, technology, entrepreneurial) have a significant positive impact on organizational performance. Also, will test if the learning culture, in terms of promoting inquiry and dialogue, collaboration and team learning, empowering people towards a collective vision, connecting the organization to its environment, and strategic leadership have a significant positive impact on organizational performance or not. Furthermore, the findings could reveal that learning culture mediates the impact of strategic orientation and organizational performance. Based on the research hypotheses, we will examine if Jordanian telecommunication companies should be aware of the importance of strategic orientations on improving organizational performance. Also, will test if Jordanian telecommunication companies must ensure that learning culture has a vital role in improving organizational performance or not.


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Como Citar

Ashal, N. M., Obeidat, B. Y., & Alhmoud, H. (2019). Theoretical Study on the Impact of Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance: Examining the Mediating Role of Learning Culture in Jordanian Telecommunication Companies. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(1), 24–40.


