Integrated participative team based instructional supervision management at middle schools in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia: A multisite study


  • Supriyono M. Soehirman Balitar Islamic University, Blitar, Indonesia
  • Ali Imron State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Imron Arifin State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Kusmintardjo Kusmintardjo State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia



Instructional supervision, Management, Middle school


This research is a qualitative multisite study using the interactive and modified analytic induction analyses. The focus of this research was the instructional supervision management at three middle schools in Blitar involving  various supervisors. This research used a snowball sampling techniques with identified key information. The data was collected by using observation, interview, and documentation. The researcher ensured the credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability by doing triangulation, independent auditor and readers, reflective review, and detail indepth report. Results of this research showed that the three schools employed various supervisors including head of the education department, the education department official supervisors, principals, and  senior teachers employing the integrated participative team based supervisory planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation by which principals took the main responsibility of instructional supervision. The integrated participative team based supervision management turned out to make the instructional supervision worked better, to provide satisfactory teachers’ in service professional development,  to make teachers performed better, to gain  satisfactory results of students performance, and to gain stakeholder trusts.


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Biografia do Autor

Supriyono M. Soehirman, Balitar Islamic University, Blitar, Indonesia

Lecturer at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Balitar Islamic University, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia

Ali Imron, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia

Professor of Education Management, Post Graduate Program, State University of Malang

Imron Arifin, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia

Associate Professor of Education Management, Post Graduate Program, State University of  Malang

Kusmintardjo Kusmintardjo, State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia

Associate Professor of Education Management, Post Graduate Program, State University of Malang


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Como Citar

Soehirman, S. M., Imron, A., Arifin, I., & Kusmintardjo, K. (2016). Integrated participative team based instructional supervision management at middle schools in Blitar, East Java, Indonesia: A multisite study. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 5(3), 212–228.




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