The Impact of Training Strategy on Organizational Loyalty via the Mediating Variables of Organizational Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Agricultural Credit Corporation Staff


  • Arafat Turki Raji Alshraideh The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Ra'ed (Moh'd Taisir) Masa'deh University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Musa Al-Lozi University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Muhammad Turki Alshurideh, Dr. University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan


Kata Kunci:

Training Strategy, Employees Loyalty, Employees Satisfaction, Employees Performance, Agricultural Cridet Coprporation, Jordan


This study aimed at studying the effect of training strategy on employees’ loyalty through investigating the role of both employees’ satisfaction and performance as a mediating variables. The study employed both the deceptive and analytical approaches to prepare the study theoretical framework based on reviewing the interrelated previous literature. A special survey has been designed to collect the primary data from the study population from all employees who work for the Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC) who counted for 469 and the number of returned survey that valid for analysis was 233. This study found that there is a direct effect for training strategy on employees’ loyalty, satisfaction and performance. The study also found that there is a relationship between training strategy and employees’loyalty through the employees satisfaction as a mediating variable. However, there is no relationship between training strategy and employees loyalty through the employees performance as a mediating variable. This means that the training strategy that ACC offered is acceptable from the employees and it usually increase all levels of satisfaction, performance and loyalty. The study recommended that there is a need to develop a set of training programs that aimed to enhance employees’ loyalty which highlighted why they are important for the organisation and offered opportunities to retain them.Also, there is a need to offer both professional training programs that proposed a real growth for the employees’ jobs and to offer personnel training programs that fit with their personalities which in turn enhance the trust levels for themselves to do their jobs and encourage them to achieve both the organizational objectives and at the same time achieve the personnel objectives. To add more, the ACC management is recommended to offer suitable salaries and privileges that suit the ACC employees’ main responsibilities and offer to proper opportunities that fit with their ambitious and their future perspectives.


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Cara Mengutip

Alshraideh, A. T. R., Masa’deh, R. (Moh’d T., Al-Lozi, M., & Alshurideh, M. T. (2017). The Impact of Training Strategy on Organizational Loyalty via the Mediating Variables of Organizational Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Agricultural Credit Corporation Staff. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(2), 383–394.


