Entre la guerra y la cocina: La metáfora en el discurso periodístico español desde la perspectiva de la lingüística cognitiva





Journalistic discourse, political metaphor, cognitive linguistics, origin, meta domains


The main objective of this paper is to analyze the political metaphor in in Spanish journalistic discourse from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. For this purpose, a selection of journalistic citations was selected on the occasion of the political events that took place in Spain, from 1977 to 1988. The theoretical foundations of the analysis are developed within the framework of the cognitive linguistic focus, with special emphasis on the work of G. Lakoff Metaphor and war (1991) and Hernández in his work The Political Metaphor in the Venezuelan Press (2004). Regarding the argumentative functions of metaphor, we have chosen the cognitive function mode analysis in different journalistic contexts. However, to reach our purpose of analysis, we have chosen the field of war and cooking as the metaphorical fields most used by the current Spanish press. It is concluded that the analysis of the metaphorical processes in the journalistic discourse allows us to observe the way in which the issuers perceive and conceptualize the political events that are collected by the journalists.





Upon graduation with a Ph.D. in Spanish language and general linguistics from University of Seville in Spain, Dr. Al-Amar is now teaching in the Department of English Languages at University of Jordan as an Associate Professor since March 2018. The courses that Dr. Al-Amar teaches are mainly focusing on general linguistics and theory of literature, besides that he teaches courses of Spanish language for specialists and non-specialists. His research focuses on the political discourse, Al-Andalus studies, and theory of literature. Dr. Al-Amar is a member of the Spanish Group of Investigators known as “Escritoras y escrituras” (female writers and writings) where he used to participate in the conferences concerning of feminist issues (feminist literature), also he is a director of Language center in the University of Jordan / Aqaba.


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