Basic principles of economic policy and public decision in the 21st century




economic policy, politics, development, complexity, decision


In the midst of the new contributions to economic theory and the new challenges that represent globality as a means of integrating markets through the economic policy of the neoliberal order, versus the consolidation of a neo-institutional system through the defense of the Sovereignty as a nationalism of attention to the conditions of political life, it is necessary to conduct a respectful analysis of the new scenario of international life through current economic theory. The objective of this paper is to carry out an analysis of the known economic policy models through the theoretical contribution of classical economists. It is a theoretical exercise and bases its result on the concretion of the complexity of the economic model currently known.





Doctorate in Public Finance, specialization in Development Policies and
Social Equity by the Universidad Veracruzana (UV). Member of the National System of Researchers of CONACYT. Author of 9 books; 19 book chapters and 52 refereed articles and 19 refereed and indexed articles under the line of Planning for Economic Development and High Competitiveness. He has directed 89 theses of degree; 38 of Master and 7 of Doctorate. Bachelor of International Business Administration; Master of Administrative Sciences and Doctor of Public Finance. He has been a Member of the Mexican Diplomatic System, as Cultural Attaché of Mexico at the General Consulate of Mexico in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. (2001-2003). Relational editor of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) representativeness Mexico D.F. (2004). Professor by hours of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) in the Master's program in Economics and the Institute of Higher Studies of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla. Currently, he is a Full Time Researcher of the Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Administrative Sciences (IIESCA) of the Universidad Veracruzanaasí as General Coordinator of Dissemination and Editor of the Science and Administration Magazine and Coordinator of the Program of Studies in Management Municipal.


 Ph. Philosophy and Educational Sciences and Director of the Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Administrative Sciences (IIESCA) of the Universidad Veracruzana. Specialization in Development Policies andSocial Equity by the Universidad Veracruzana (UV). Author of 22 books; 52 chapters of books and 89 articles arbitrated and indexed under the line of Planning for Economic Development and High Competitiveness. He has directed 71 bachelor thesis; 36 of Masters and 12of Doctorate.


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