The potential of the strategic recruitment of the Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation) after The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)




Hashed al-Shaabi, Shiites, Iraq, jihad, ISIL


After getting rid of ISIL's military presence in Iraq, the problem of having a strategic vision in recruiting the PMF strengthened national security. In addition to the internal and external challenges that do not agree on a unified vision about these forces, which now has a law and regulation governing its work. In light of these changes, a vision is formed of the possibilities of employing these forces and making them an independent institution linked to the commander in chief of the Iraqi armed forces while preserving their national identity.

The study was divided into two major parts. The first included the political and doctrinal dimensions of issuing the fatwa of jihad and the stage that witnessed the establishment of Hashed al-Shaabi. The second part included the strategic vision of employing Hashed al-Shaabi in a post- ISIL period. This part dealt with the obstacles to the strategic recruitment of Hashed al-Shaabi. Internal obstacles such as terrorism, political sectarianism and administrative corruption. The external obstacles dealt with the positions of some international and regional forces toward Hashed al-Shaabi and It's relationship with Iran. The last part discussed the possibilities of strategic recruitment of Hashed al-Shaabi in Iraq.

The study relied on a number of references that dealt with the subject of Hashed al-Shaabi in several languages, such as books, analysis of research centers and academic articles for specialized researchers and media such as newspapers and television. In addition to the laws and decisions of the Iraqi government issued about Hashed al-Shaabi.





He was born in Mosul in 1977, PhD in International Relations from the University of Ghazi, Ankara. Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Aksaray, Turkey. He is a director of the Middle East Affairs, Department at the SASAM Center for Strategic Research since 01.11.2013. He is a researcher specializing in religious-politicalrelations in theMiddle East. He has many scientific researches published in scientific and academic journals court and non-court in addition to participating in many seminars and workshops that examine the political reality and ethnic and demographic in the affairs of the Middle East.

Published Books:

1. The Political Role of the Shiite Reference in Iraq (Turkish), Önsöz Publishing House, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.
2. The Ottoman Empire under Sultan Mohamed Al-Fateh (Arabic), Dar Noor Publishing, Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.

Books edited by:

1. Sadiq Ainawand, The Shiite Revolutions, translated from Persian to Turkish: Esra Özlük, I, Önsöz Publishing, Istanbul, 2019.
2. Abu al-Fadl Hadi Manish, Musallam ibn Aqil, translated from Persian to Turkish: Esraa Özlük, I 1, Önsöz Publishing, Istanbul, 2019.
Chapter in a book:
1. The Shiite Communities in the World and Iran's Relations with Them, chapter in the book: Forty Years in the Islamic Republic: Continuity and Change in Iranian Society and Politics ( Turkish), under publication.

Published Research:

1. The image of Iran in Arab public opinion during the Arab Spring (Turkish), Middle East Academic Magazine, no. 23, December 2017.
2. Middle East Peace: Ways to Overcome Ethnic and Ethnic Divides (Arabic), International Atlas of Social Sciences, No. 11, Kiev, Ukraine 2018.
3. The Iraqi front in the First World War in thelight of  the fatwas issued by Shiite scholars according to Arab sources (Turkish), Middle East Academic Magazine, no: 22, July 2017.
4. Forms of sectarian conflict in Iraq and its consequences (Turkish), Journal of the Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Akkrai, Volume 9, No. 1, April 2017.
5. Shiites of Iraq in the Quagmire of Government (Turkish), Second International Conference on the Middle East, 4-7. 2016, Kirikkale, Turkey.
6. Turkman Iraq after 2003 (Turkish), International Conference on Social Sciences, 31-01-01. 2018, Qayseri, Turkey.
7. Iran's Middle East Hand: Qasim Soleimani (Turkish), Journal of Foreign Policy, No. 1, July 2017. Published in Middle East Characters.
8. The Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (Turkish), Journal of Foreign Policy, No. 4, April 2018. Published in thebook of Middle Eastern personalities.
9. Moqtada al-Sadr: The Leader Born in Ramadha (Turkish), Journal of Foreign Policy, No. 5, July 2018. Published in Middle Eastern Characters.
10. Abdul Fattah al-Sisi (Turkish), Journal of Foreign Policy, No. 7, January 2019. Published in the book of Middle Eastern personalities.


He was born in Mosul in 1981, he holds a master's degree in the history of the Turkish Republic of Turkey from the University of Ghazi, Ankara. He is a PhD student in the history of the Turkish Republic at the Al-Fateh University in Istanbul and has published many researches in Iraqi and Turkish researchcenters.
Research and scientific activities

1. "Iraqi political map ahead of parliamentary elections", Middle East Center for Strategic Studies, Ankara, 2018.
2. Readings in the Turkish vision for post-2003 Iraq / Al-Bayan Center for Studies and Planning / Baghdad / 2018
3. Adel Abdul Mahdi's Government ... The Future Challenges for Iraq / The Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies (ORDAF) / Istanbul / 2019 / Turkish
4. The security situation of liberated cities: Ninewa case study / Middle East and Africa Studies Center / Istanbul / 2019 in Turkish
5. "The Iraqi Street and the coup attempt in Turkey", article published at the Turkish center of Orsam, Ankara, 2016.
6. "The main problems between Baghdad and Erbil," research published in the Middle East, Ankara, 2017.
7. Participated in a special seminar held at the University of Economics and Technology in Ankara under the title (Operations of the liberation of Mosul and the future of Iraq and Turkmen) organized by the Turkish Economic Policy Research Institute (TEPAV) on 15 December 2016.
8. Participation in a workshop on "Iraqi-Turkish relations" at the center of the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies (ORSAM), Ankara on December 28, 2016.
9. Participated in a workshopheld at the University of Economics and Technology in Ankara under the title "Violent Extremism" in cooperation with ORSAM Center on 15 December 2016.
10. Research entitled "Thephenomenon of violentextremism: the concept and the reasons" at the workshop (violent extremism) - Turkish University of Economy and Technology (TOBB) - Ankara, 12/5/2017.
11. Participation in theworkshop on "Kurdish referendum and its impact on neighboring countries" by the Iranian Studies Center in Ankara (IRAM) held in Istanbul on 25 November 2017.


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