The Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices (GHRMP) on the competitive advantage of the organization




Green human resources practices, competitive advantage, Educational organizations


The present study aims to investigate the impact of the green human resources management practices (GHRM) on the Jordanian educational organization competitive advantage. Furthermore, the study attempts to investigate the relationship between the GHRM and the competitive advantage of the organization; in terms of the Green selection and recruitment (S&R), training and development (T&D) and rewards system (RS) in the Jordanian educational organization. To achieve the study goals, I designed a questionnaire for data collection. However, the study community is the Jordanian organizations, and the study sample is the educational organizations in Jordan.  The questionnaire is distributed to (9) educational organizations in Jordan within the period August to October 2018. The study found that the implementation of the green human resources management practices have a positive relation to increase the competitive advantage of the educational organizations in Jordan.





Master of Business Administration, Yarmouk University, Jordan


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