Pragmatic Approach: Lexical Presupposition in King Abdullah II Political Speech


  • Mheel Malh AlSmaihyeen University of Jordan
  • Mohammad Nazri bin Abdul Latiff Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin Gong Badak Campus, Malaysia



Pragmatics, Presupposition, Political Speech, Lexical Presupposition


The purpose of this study is to cast the light on the lexical presupposition in political speech by King Abdullah II of Jordan. The lexical presupposition is one of the primary concepts of pragmatics, and it is used to include a general class of pragmatic and semantic phenomena that have a fundamental impact on the apprehension of utterances. Particularly, this concept denotes premise that truth is taken in an utterance and without the value of truth that cannot be set and can broadly be related with a lexical element or certain grammatical features in any utterance. The language plays a significant role in the communication and interpretation of intentions by examining selected political speeches of King Abdullah II in European Parliaments Strasbourg in 2015 and his speech at the Leaders' Summit on Refugees (on the margins of the 71st UN General Assembly) that held in New York in 2016. Generally, political speech involves a language that is padded to be understood only by political people or people who have knowledge in political speeches whose language tends to be ambiguous and implicit meaning. Thus, this study glosses the lexical presupposition in King Abdullah II political speech. It finds the lexical presupposition in his speech and the reason for using lexical presupposition in his speech.






Faculty of Languages and Communication
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Nerus
Terengganu, Malaysia


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