The Effect of Using Managerial Accounting Techniques on Banking Sector: A Theoretical Study


  • Ghassan S. Obeidat University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Adnan Rawashdeh, Dr. University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Nurah Musa Al-Lozi, Dr. University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan



Managerial accounting, Banking Sector, Performance


In this study a new proposed measurement in accounting area is presented in order to find relation between managerial accounting techniques and efficiency, effectiveness, profitability, control and performance of banking sector located in Jordan. This study also proposed a measurement of effective to the management by assisting them to adopt new ideas and techniques in dealing with financial problems and obstacles facing them while running of the daily works in the organization.





Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Jordan, Jordan


Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Jordan, Jordan


Department of Accounting, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Jordan


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