Philosophical-Critical Environmental Education: a proposal in a search for a symmetry between subject and object


  • M. S.R. Miltão, Dr. Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil


Social-Environmental Issues, Social-Environmental Awareness, Social Movement, Environmental Education


This paper aims to develop a study on environmental education from philosophical and practical bases. Philosophical considerations being established after critical analysis of some philosophical schools who have taken the environment or the Individuals as a matter of primary concern; practical considerations arising from our experience in the university environmental movement. Thus, we intend to express our thinking towards the discussion about critical Environmental Education in a philosophical perspective called philosophical-critical Environmental Education, which aims to seek a harmony, a balance between subject and object, from a philosophical view-point, and as a consequence, between society and environment, from a socio-political perspective, in addressing the socio-environmental issue.





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