Status and proliferation of private schools in Marawi city: Implications on the quality of education



Anahtar Kelimeler:

private schools- Marawi City- Philippines- proliferation of private schools


This descriptive research design was conducted to determine the status of the increased number of private schools and its proliferation in Marawi City based on the 1998 Revised Manual for Private Education particularly in the compliance of government requirements and its implications to the quality of education. A total of twenty-six private schools served as the respondents of this study. Many developing nations lack adequate resources to fund public schools and universities. Faced with growing lower-and middle-class populations that are too often underserved, these nations increasingly rely upon private education to complement public education. The increase in the number of private schools could be alarming especially when it comes to quality education. Ideally, private schools should always be adjunct to quality education, yet it is sad to note that the prevailing perceptions on the proliferation of private schools are not accompanied by quality. Findings revealed that the relationship between the profile of the school and the extent of compliance with government requirements revealed no correlation at all, while the t-test revealed a not significant relationship between the teachers’ profile and the level of passing standardized and board examinations. For the relationship between the profile of the owners’/administrators and the extent of participation in extension and community outreach programs, except for the monthly income was found to have not significant relationship with extension and community outreach programs. Lastly, the test of difference between the owners’/administrators’ and teachers’ perceptions on the factors for the proliferation of private schools revealed a not significant difference.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Guimba, S. D. (2018). Status and proliferation of private schools in Marawi city: Implications on the quality of education. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 7(3), 215–243.