Managing Culliculum 2013 credit semester management system at National Senior High School Sidoarjo region (multi sites at Smani, Sman 3 and Sman 1 Krian Sidoarjo)


  • Musta’in Musta’in State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Bambang Budi Wiyono, Dr. State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Imron Arifin State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Kusmintardjo Kusmintardjo State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Managing 2013 High School Curriculum- Credit Semester Management System- Senior High School (SMA)


This research was aimed at finding out  how Credit Semester Management System of the 2013 High School Curriculum was implemented. This research focused on three sites namely State High School # 1 Sidoarjo, State High School # 3 Sidoarjo, and State High School # 3 Krian, East Java, Indonesia. This research employed the multicases research design. The data was collected using indept interview, participatory observation, and document analysis. The data was analized using  individual cases and or crosscases analyses. This research found out that:  (1) The three schools planned the credit semester similarly, students were to choose their own fields of learning; (2) The three schools had similar organizing system. The differences falled on the  total of Academic Guider addition; (3) The three schools Actuated the  Credit Semester System Management similarly, (4)  The three schools conducted  supervision and evaluation similarly. The three schools conducted the graduation for students finishing their learning tasks in 260 learning hours and reaching  Achievement Semester Indext of at least 2,66; and obtained good score in attitude; and passed for the school examination.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Musta’in, M., Wiyono, B. B., Arifin, I., & Kusmintardjo, K. (2017). Managing Culliculum 2013 credit semester management system at National Senior High School Sidoarjo region (multi sites at Smani, Sman 3 and Sman 1 Krian Sidoarjo). Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(3), 666–681.

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