Prequalification and Classification System for Enterprises in Public Sector of Jordanian E-government




E-government, Government-to-Business System ( G2B), e-Tendering, e-democracy


The use of information and communication technology( ICTs) in the public sector is one of the most important effects were caused by IT .Nowadays, with the development of e-government, set of information are available about the public sector in electronic databases Significantly, that may be agree with each other . Public sector information is considered the most important thing in e-government environment   ,it has a great value. (Shao & Wang, 2010). Moreover, The government environment become is using the Internet and information technology, mainly on their interactions with businesses and citizens, and among themselves. One of the e-Government initiatives is the development of the government-to-business (G2B) system, which is an agenda sets to promote a higher service quality between government entities and the business sector (Dong, Xiong & Han, 2010).This paper aims to discover the importance of the government's small and medium enterprises under the umbrella of e-services G2B. G2B transactions include various services exchanged between the government and the business community, including the deployment of policies and memos, rules and regulations. It includes commercial services provided access to current business information, application forms are loaded, renewal of licenses, registration of companies, to obtain permits, pay taxes, e-Procurement service ERAs (slaves and Abu Shanab, 2010).


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Biografias Autor

Dima Alrwashdeh, Faculty of Computer Information Systems, The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan

Heba Alrawashdeh, Dr., Fculty of Computer Information Systems, The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan

Issam Hamad Alhadid, Dr., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Information Systems, The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan

Sufian Khwaldeh, Dr., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Information Systems, The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan


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Como Citar

Alrwashdeh, D., Alrawashdeh, H., Alhadid, I. H., & Khwaldeh, S. (2020). Prequalification and Classification System for Enterprises in Public Sector of Jordanian E-government. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(2), 249–257.


