The Effect of Entrepreneur Characteristics on Enforcing Strategic Capabilities: An Empirical Study at Jordan Telecommunication Sector


  • Kholoud Sudqi Abdullah Al-Lozi, Dr. World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Amman, Jordan



Entrepreneur, entrepreneur characteristics, strategic capabilities


Attention to leadership and the characteristics of entrepreneurship has increased in recent years, due to technological advances and the advent of globalization and privatization that have had a significant impact on the business environment, competitive environment and local, international and global organizations, we have been growing interest in this subject, because of its role in economic growth at the macro level and the growth of organizations and expansion for the financial and material resources, which is the Entrepreneurship subject of important issues, especially with the accelerated rates of change in the business environment, which led to the increasing importance of this subject as one of the options used by the organization to adapt and adapt to competition and changes in demand. As interest emerged at the beginning of the nineties of the twentieth century modern concepts in strategic management field and was the most important concept of strategic capabilities, which is a helper for business organizations in the exercise of its business through planning to achieve superiority over competitors and accomplish goals and achieve competitive advantages. In the context of this and similar synonymous with the concept of strategic capabilities and concepts emerged these concepts it is with the ability or the core, which is the previous step to understand the organization strategic capabilities efficiency. As the strategic capabilities is responsible for the delivery of an important benefit for customers, and they need to be for a long time, and is characterized by permanent feature of the difficulty of being counterfeited, and consists of a range of sources, and contain an implicit power and complexity of a product of learning and experience. Therefore, this study aimed to review the Arab and foreign studies linking entrepreneurial characteristics in strengthening the strategic capabilities.


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Como Citar

Al-Lozi, K. S. A. (2017). The Effect of Entrepreneur Characteristics on Enforcing Strategic Capabilities: An Empirical Study at Jordan Telecommunication Sector. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(1), 70–93.


