Empirical model pupil management integrating with balancing competitive-solidarity value for the preparation of character generation competitive and social- solidarity to be ready demographic bonus and the best economic era


  • Ali Imron State University of Malang, East Java, Indonesia




Management learners, Competitive value, Solidarity value, Demographic bonus, The best economy


This study was aimed at developing an empirical model of pupil management by integrating the balancing competitive-generation solidarity values to the preparation of competitive character and social solidarity values for enrolling in the  era of demographic bonus and the best economy.  At the first year, this study employed mixed method.  At the second year, this study employed Research and development (R & D) method.At the third year this study employed expose-facto and  causal comparative methods.  There were three main different school chategories being studied, which were good metropolitant high schools in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, East Java,  medium suburbant schools in Pasuruan, East Java, and periphery suburbant schools in Malang and Blitar, East Java. The data were collected using closed and open questionnaires. The data were analized using descriptive statistics of central tendency and  content analysis (content) of Mayring (2000). The  quantitative data of discrepancies were analized using  cross-tabs and the mean difference test techniques. The qualitative data of  differences  were analized using constant comparative technique (Bogdan, 1985; and Yin, 1995). This study resulted a conceptual model covering the model expert judgments and empirical models of pupil management that integrated competitive values, the values ​​of solidarity, and both balancing values; pupil management activities and strategies conducive to integration of balancing competitive ​​and solidarity values. The models have been applicable to be used to prepare the next generation competitive character and social solidarity in order to enroll in an era of demographic bonus and the best economy.


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Como Citar

Imron, A. (2017). Empirical model pupil management integrating with balancing competitive-solidarity value for the preparation of character generation competitive and social- solidarity to be ready demographic bonus and the best economic era. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.25255/jss.2017.




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