The Political Reform in the Administrative Fields in Ibn Taymiyyah Thought


  • Osama Sami Alnsour M.A student at the University of Jordan
  • Jamila Abdul Kader Shaba’an Al Rifai Associate Professor, Faculty of Sharia , University of Jordan, Jordan



Al- Siyāsah al-Shar'iyah, ʾadāʾ al-amāna, political reform, rules of political reform, wilaya


It is obvious to the reader in the field of sharia politics or what some of the scholars have called it the rulings of the sultanate or the rulings of the Imamate that the issues of political reform still need more consideration, study and analysis of its opinions and the rulings contained therein in order to be able to distinguish between the holy texts and the jurisprudence opinions of the jurists mentioned in this field , so that we can distinguish in jurisprudence between what was based on divine evidence and what was based on custom or interest and what was consider as emerging issues ,and other branches of Islamic jurisprudence.


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Biografias Autor

Osama Sami Alnsour, M.A student at the University of Jordan

Osama Sami AlnsourAn Islamic researcher specialized in contemporary and classical Islamic studies.

bachelor’s degree in Islamic jurisprudence in the Arabic language at the university of Jordan 2017

Master's degree at the University of Jordan, majoring Islamic studies in English, and the title of the thesis is (political reform in Ibn Taymiyyah's thought).

Master degree at the University of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina program of Islam in Europe in English language and the title of the thesis is (citizenship in contemporary Arab Islamic thought)

Jamila Abdul Kader Shaba’an Al Rifai, Associate Professor, Faculty of Sharia , University of Jordan, Jordan

Dr. Jamila Abdul Kader Shaba’an Al RifaiBachelor’s degree in Jurisprudence and its foundation from faculty of Sharia, University of Jordan 1989,

Master Degree in Jurisprudence and its foundation from the faculty of Sharia, University of Jordan and the title of the thesis is  (Rules of the young in Islamic Jurisprudence)- supervised by Professor Omar Ashqar. PhD in philosophy in Jurisprudence and its foundations in 1999, and the title of the thesis is (Sharia policy to Imam Ibin Al Qayyem) supervised by Professor Fat’hi Durainy.


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Como Citar

Alnsour, O. S., & Al Rifai, J. A. K. S. (2023). The Political Reform in the Administrative Fields in Ibn Taymiyyah Thought . Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 12(4), 65–77.