The Impact OF Human Resources Management Strategies on the Strategic Agility: A Field Study in large and medium Yemeni manufacturing Sector




human resource management strategies, strategic agility


Under the dynamic capabilities view of the firm the main purpose of this paper is to provide an analytical model of knowledge gaps on the direct impact of HRM strategy on strategic agility, as well as the direct impact of HRM strategies which is represented in HR Strategy, Training Strategy Human Resources Development Strategy, Human Resources Compensation Strategy, Career Planning Strategy) on strategic agility.

To achieve this, the main study survey, which was distributed to managers and their deputies in the large and medium Yemeni industrial companies (227), was based on the simple random sample of 554 companies, this work uses structural equations modeling technique, in order to test and validate the research model and hypotheses posited.

The results indicated that there is a direct impact of human resources management strategies on strategic agility, as well as the direct impact of the career planning strategy and the strategy of training and developing human resources on strategic agility. In contrast, there is no direct impact of HR strategy, human resources performance assessment, and human resources compensation on the strategic agility of the Yemeni large and medium manufacturing sector (current study sample).


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Biografia do Autor

Maged Mohammed Barahma, University of Islamic Sciences of Malaysia, Malaysia

Mr. Maged Mohammed Barahma is a senior lecturer, at the University of Aden Yemen. The present time. He Ph.D. candidate in human resources management philosophy, University Sains Islamic Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has an experienced professional with more than 10 years of experience teaching field, He provided consulting services to many for organizations in the areas of project management, capacity building, risk management, create a sustainable competitive advantage for organizations, how organizations adapt to change. He contributes to several from international conferences as session chair. His research interest focused on human resource management and strategic management.

Kalsom Binti ALi, Dr., University of Islamic Sciences of Malaysia, Malaysia

Kalsom Ali received the M.Sc. degree in Human Resource Development from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia and the Ph.D. degree in Human Resource Management from Deakin Universitiy, Australia in 2007 and 2014, respectively. Since 2010, she has been with Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, where she is currently the Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Leadership and Management. Her research interest cover the employee wellbeing retentions in organization. 

Mohammad Nashief, Dr., University of Islamic Sciences of Malaysia, Malaysia

Mohammad Nashief S. Disomimba was born in Lembaka, Marantao, Marawi, Philippines. He received B.A. degree in Usul al-Din from Yamouk University, Jordan in 1998, and Master degree in Usul al-Din from International Islamic University Malaysia, 2004., and the PhD. Degree in Comparative and Usul al-Din from International Islamic University Malaysia., 2012. He has held lecturing positions atAdni Islamic School 2008-2010, Lecturer at Maahad Ibn Sina Al-Ali Technology 2006-2008Director at Madrasah MarohomAmdial_Islamie, Philippines 1998-2000. Dr. Mohammad Nashief currently a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

Mohammed Ali Al-Awlaqi, Dr., Lincoln University College , Malaysia

Mohammed Ali Al-Awlaqi is an assistant professor, at Lebanese international University in Sana’a, Yemen. He earned B.S., in statistics form Sana’a university, Sana’a Yemen, MBA, MPhil form Maastricht School of Management, Maastricht, The Netherland, and an ongoing Ph.D. in management from Lincoln University collage, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dr. Al-Awlaqi is an experienced profession with more than 20 years of experience. He provided consulting services to many for-profit and non-for-profit organizations in the areas of financial management, project management, capacity building, quantitative market research, risk management, organization performance. Dr. Al-Awlaqi delivered and designed several training courses in the area of: statistical analysis, neural networks forecasting, linear programming optimization, System thinking modeling and simulation, feasibility studies, credit evaluation, risk analysis. His research interests include microfinance, quantitative analysis and modeling, organization performance.


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Como Citar

Barahma, M. M., ALi, K. B., Nashief, M., & Al-Awlaqi, M. A. (2019). The Impact OF Human Resources Management Strategies on the Strategic Agility: A Field Study in large and medium Yemeni manufacturing Sector. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(4), 611.629.


