The Effect of Music Therapy on Sleep Quality of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy: A Randomized control trial


  • Seema Vinayak, Dr. Department of Psychology, Panjab University,Chandigarh, India
  • Farnaz Dehkhoda Psychology Department, Panjab University, India
  • Rohin Vinayak Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India



Cancer, Chemotherapy, Music therapy, Radiotherapy, Sleep quality


Poor sleep quality is frequentin patients undergoing cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.In the present study,an effectiveness of musictherapy on the quality of sleep incancer patients was evaluated. 184 adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy were selected from the population who met the inclusion criteria based on convenience sampling. They were randomly assigned to three groups: two intervention groups of active or receptive music therapy and a control group. Participants completed Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index at pre-intervention and post-intervention stages. Ten sessions of active or receptive music therapywere applied to the intervention groups, while the control group received onlyroutinemedicalcare. Every session was of 20-30 minutes. Receptive music therapy involvedpatient’s preferred Persian pop music, and active music therapy involved playing guitar and singing under training and supervision of a music-therapist.Two-way Analysis of Covariance indicated significant differences between results of pre-test and post-test on sleep quality in both intervention groups. It showedthe effectiveness of music therapy in experimental groups, as compared to the control group, and revealedactive music therapy to be more effective to improvesleep quality. No gender difference was found on the results. The study has great implications for sleep quality improvement in the cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


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Como Citar

Vinayak, S., Dehkhoda, F., & Vinayak, R. (2017). The Effect of Music Therapy on Sleep Quality of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy: A Randomized control trial. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(4), 734–743.


