Effects of using Video Vignette on Pre-service Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Views in Teaching


  • Norhayna Eryll M. Unte Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Philippines




video, vignette, pre-service teachers, pedagogy, content knowledge


Any attempt to improve the quality of basic education should first focus on improving the quality of pre-service teachers’ characteristics which embrace pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and views in the teaching-learning process. In the course of doing this, the use of interactive technology e.g. video vignette could be a measuring tool.This study investigated the effects of using video vignette in pedagogical content knowledge and views in teaching and learning of pre-service teacher. From the analysis of data, the results showed that there is a significant difference in the level of the twenty-three pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in terms of knowledge of the subject matter, knowledge of learners, knowledge of curricula and knowledge of general pedagogy enrolled during 2nd semester of 2013-2014 in MSU-College of Education. Moreover, the study also revealed various views in teaching science/mathematics as profession, how to teach science in a traditional and contemporary approach, and how students learn best. Responses by the respondents suggest that video vignette genuinely reflect the actual classroom experience and investigate individual’s ethical principles and behavior in the context of teaching. Additionally, video vignette served as a potential means to monitor and evaluate teacher education courses for professional development. 


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Como Citar

Unte, N. E. M. (2017). Effects of using Video Vignette on Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Views in Teaching. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(2S), 81–86. https://doi.org/10.25255/jss.2017.6.2S.81.86


