Performance Management System in Nigerian Higher Educational Institutions: Proffering a Double Mediation Model


  • Nura Abubakar Allumi



The most important upbeat facet for any organization in the present day regardless of motive, is Human Resource. This is conceivably so because, it is the starting place of achieving competitive plus. The management of this valuable resource in higher educational institutions (HEI’s) in Nigeria remains even more tasking and challenging than managing other material resources such as finance, technology and etc. To be able to effectively manage human resource, adequate, appropriate and sound human resource management practices need not to only be institutionalized but also interceded. This paper proffered a model that captures this relationship and ensures effective performance management system in Nigerian HEI’s.


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Como Citar

Allumi, N. A. (2015). Performance Management System in Nigerian Higher Educational Institutions: Proffering a Double Mediation Model. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 4(2), 828–840.


