Arbitration of oil contracts in oil-producing Arab Countries



Parole chiave:

Arbitration, Oil contracts, Oil-producing Arab countries, Oil Contract Disputes


This study investigates the most important legal matters of arbitration of Arab oil contracts. It has focused on the independent nature of arbitration, and the distinguished characteristics which make arbitration the most preferable means to settle international economic disputes. The study as well as sheds light on the arbitration agreement which included in the oil contracts in a way that excludes this agreement from the legal rules that usually prevent such agreements from developing in scope and content on the one hand, whereas on the other hand the study takes a look on the arbitration tribunal resulting from the arbitration agreement that included in the oil contracts which have special characteristics that distinguishes them from any other contracts in other economical and trading ventures.

This study has concluded that it is better for the disputes resulting from the oil contracts to be resolved via arbitration without necessarily arbitrated affecting the judicial immunity function. additionally, settlement of disputes in issuing the arbitration decision should be voluntarily implemented by the two parties in conflict. Finally, the researcher recommends arbitration as the only viable tool for settling conflicts/disputes of oil contracts in oil producing Arab nations because it’s the fastest, most reliable, least expensive and time saving method of conflict resolution.


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Biografia autore

Mousa Sami Al-Qaaida, University of Pécs, Hungary

PhD. student in University of Pécs, Hungary

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Come citare

Al-Qaaida, M. S. (2020). Arbitration of oil contracts in oil-producing Arab Countries. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(2), 394–428.


