The Impact of Marketing Innovation on Customer Satisfaction in Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority


  • Shaker Habes Nawafleh AL Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
  • Suleiman Al-Khattab, Prof. Dr. AL Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan


Parole chiave:

Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Customer Satisfaction, Marketing Innovation, Innovation in Marketing, Innovation in Performance, Innovation in Culture and Innovation in Product


The aim of this study was to explore the effect of marketing innovation on customer satisfaction in Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority. Also, the study involved the effect of each one of the elements of marketing innovation (innovation in marketing, innovation in performance, innovation in culture and innovation in product) on the customer satisfaction level. A special questioner was developed to collect the data from (110) person, valid questioner was (102), which considered to be (92.7%) of the participants. The result of analysis of the data by using SPSS 21 program; indicated that there was a statically significance strong positive relationship between customer satisfaction and marketing innovation, so (41 %) of the customer satisfaction might be explained by marketing innovation. And the strongest significance relationship in relation to the elements of marketing innovation was the relationship between innovation in performance and the customer satisfaction, while the innovation of marketing was in the second degree.The current study recommend to the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority to enhance the innovation of culture in between the employees to improve their customer satisfaction levels.


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Come citare

Nawafleh, S. H., & Al-Khattab, S. (2019). The Impact of Marketing Innovation on Customer Satisfaction in Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(3), 399–417.


