The rhetoric and the discourse of poverty condition


  • Oscar Gonzalez Muñoz, Dr. IIESCA-Universidad Veracruzana, México
  • Milagros Cano Flores, Dr. IIESCA-Universidad Veracruzana, México


Parole chiave:

discourse, poverty, philosophy, moral principles


The main aim of this work it’s to showthat the speech used to explain the problem of poverty, can be located in a rhetorical field, especially when you’re looking to convince the acceptation of strategies based inhuman development with some axiological value. The rhetorical as a way of persuasion make the believing of what should correspond to each other in what we understood as fare(Aristóteles 1971, Foucault 1983, Pujante 1998, López and de Santiago 2000 and Teun Van Dijk 2005).Is the case of the actions that the State makes to persuade the necessity  to give attention to some vulnerable groups by recognizing  basic necessities and also with specific actions that allow us to attend  between the ones that are experimenting it (Logue and Miller, 1995). And it initiates with the recognition of the basic needs of an heterogeneous auditorium, that besides of identifying a different ways to attend them, recognize the concern for others to cover their elementary necessities(eudaimon’s spirit), that means, it stays with a Socratic approach (Gorgias 1992).From a rhetorical approach, the highly intention of social political instruments it’s to facilitatethe access to some resources  as a way to materialize the minimum conditions of life of contingent conditions environment are poverty minimizers. It’s A Sen. (1991)who’s trying to increase social conciseness in the middle of axiological virtues of J. Rawls uses the social construction of the moral principles as poverty reducers and in justice situations. Both intentions allow to recognize the situations of justice as the result of integrating data, with no esculent but complementary for poverty issues.


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Biografie autore

Oscar Gonzalez Muñoz, Dr., IIESCA-Universidad Veracruzana, México

Doctorate in Public Finance, specialization in Development Policies and Social Equity by the Universidad Veracruzana (UV). Member of the National System of Researchers of CONACYT. Author of 9 books; 19 book chapters and 52 refereed articles and 19 refereed and indexed articles under the line of Planning for Economic Development and High Competitiveness. He has directed 89 theses of degree; 38 of Master and 7 of Doctorate. Bachelor of International Business Administration; Master of Administrative Sciences and Doctor of Public Finance. He has been a Member of the Mexican Diplomatic System, as Cultural Attaché of Mexico at the General Consulate of Mexico in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. (2001-2003). Relational editor of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) representativeness Mexico D.F. (2004). Professor by hours of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) in the Master's program in Economics and the Institute of Higher Studies of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla. Currently, he is a Full Time Researcher of the Institute of Research and Higher Studies of Administrative Sciences (IIESCA) of the Universidad Veracruzanaasí as General Coordinator of Dissemination and Editor of the Science and Administration Magazine and Coordinator of the Program of Studies in ManagementMunicipal.

Milagros Cano Flores, Dr., IIESCA-Universidad Veracruzana, México

Bachelor of Business Administration (FCA from the Universidad Veracruzana), Master of administration in Marketing Area (IIESCA from the Universidad Veracruzana), PhD in Philosophy and Education Sciences (UNED, Madrid, Spain). PhD in Business Administration and Development (College of Advanced Studies of Latin America, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico). She is currently a full-time researcher and Academic Director of the Institute of Research and Higher Studies in Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico).

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Come citare

Muñoz, O. G., & Flores, M. C. (2018). The rhetoric and the discourse of poverty condition. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 7(4), 250–259.




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