The State and the authority in Contemporary Arab Islamic Thought


  • Mohammed A.A. Rababah, Dr.


Parole chiave:

Islamic –Arabic thought, the state and the authority conflict


The follower of the Arab Islamic thought texts until the end of the twentieth century, find the absence of any coherent intellectual construction in the question of the state and authority theory, but finds the dimensions of political ideology, linked to the intellectual background of the thinker, since the Islamic reform used concepts such as freedom, constitution, parliament, public opinion, and concepts used to express the system of legitimate policy, which led to different intellectual results.


The researcher found that newly and contemporary Muslim thinkers, reformers and revivalists, did not researched the state as a theoretical problem along with its political essence. Rather, they discussed its relationship with religion and the nation in terms of its religion Islam. They also recalled for concepts such as the question of state, identity, democracy and citizenship. Which created an intellectual state that views the state as a possessive and instrument that seeks to control it to achieve a political objective or project.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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• Books:
1- Abu Rumman, Mohammed, (2002). Political Authority Islamic Thought, Rasheed Reza Model, Amman. Dar Al-bayarek for publication.

2- Abed Al Razek, Ali, (1925). Islam and the roots of governance, Cairo: Egyptian Printing Press, Ed: 3.

3- Al Afandi. Abd elwahab, (2001). Islam and the modern state. London: Dar El Hekmah.

4- Al Ayoobi, Nazeeh, (1992). Arab and The state problem, Beirut: Dar Al Saki. Ed:1.

5- Amarah, Mohammed, (2000). Ali Abed Al Razek: Islam and the roots of governance: study and documents, Beirut: Arab Cultural canter.

6- Balkazez, abed Al Elah, (2002). The State in the Modern Islamic Thought. Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies.

7- Al Banaa. Hassan, (1966). Intellectual Breeching notes, Cairo: Dar Al Shehab. Ed:2.

8- Al Jabri. Mohammed Abed, (2004). Arab Political Mind, Its specification… Beirut: Center for Arab Unity Studies. Sec:3. Ed:5.

9- Jadaan, Fehmi, (1997). Past and Future: Studies in the formations and paths of the Arab intellectual experience, Beirut: Arab Institute for studies and Publishing.

10- Al Sedeek, Hussain, (2001). Human and Authority, Damascus: Arabs Writers Union.

11- Abed Al Kareem, Khaleel, (1995). Islam between Religious state and civil state, Cairo: Sina for Publishing.

12- Al Arawi, Abed Allah, (2001). The Concept of State, Beirut: Arab Cultural Center. Ed: 9.

13- Al Garatawi, joseph,(1997). Of the Jurisprudence of the state in Islam, Cairo: Dar AL-Shorok press. Ed:3.

14- Maududi, Abul Ala (1981),The Theory of Political Islam, Beirut: Al Resalah press. Ed:3.

15- Metwaly, Abed AL Hameed,(1987) Principles of governance in Islam and modern constitutional principles, Alexandria: Al maaref press.

16- Oadeh, Abed Al Kadeer, (1981). Islam and our political situation, Beirut: Al resaleh foundation.

17- Yassin, Abed Al Jawad, ( 2000). Authority in Islam, Beirut: Arab Cultural Center.

18- Al- Nabhani, Taqi Al- Din(2001), The Islam system, Hizeb ut Tahrer publications, Ed: 6.

19- Torkomani Abed Allah, (2007). The Problem of State in Modern Islamic Thought, Damascus: Damascus Centre for Theoretical Studies.

1- Al Ansary, Abed Al-filaly,(1994). Ali Abde Raziq and The Arab Awareness Project, almustaqbal- alarabi journal, no:5.

2- Manjood, mostafa, (1999). Values and the cognitive system in political thought, Islamiyat Almarifah journal, vol:5, no:19.

• Seminars:
1- Al doleeby, Mohammed, (1982). The State and The Authority in Islam, UNESCO seminar, bares: 7-10 December. Makah, Islamic world Union.

2- Hareb, Said,( 2006). Politics and Religin between principles and history, seminar: The political fiqh for Muslims minority in Europe, Europe councils for fatwah and research, Istanbul: 4-6 July.

• Thesis:
1- Al jalodi, Ialayan,(1996). The evolution of the Caliphate and its relation to succession in the Seljuke era, master thesis, Jordan University.




Come citare

Rababah, M. A. (2016). The State and the authority in Contemporary Arab Islamic Thought. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 5(4), 621–634.


