A change management in the enhancement of the private university governance quality: A case study


  • Muwahid Muwahid State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia
  • Supriyono M. Soehirman Balitar Islamic University, Blitar, Indonesia
  • Akyak Akyak State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia



Parole chiave:

Change Management, Private University, Governance Quality


Higher Education Institutions have strategic roles in developing quality human resources, science, and technologies. They are oblighted to  be having good governance ropperly on the basis of the National Accreditation criteria and the good governance practices.   Balitar Islamic University, the only progressive developed private university declaring as an entrepreneurial University in East Java Indonesia,  appeared to have  entrepreneurial change management  that was important  to research. This resesarch focused on the : (1) Contexts for the governance enhancement at the Balitar Islamic University, (2) Strategies for the governance enhancement at Balitar Islamic University, (3) Conflict management for the governance at Balitar Islamic University, (4) Respon and outcome management for the governance  at Balitar Islamic University, and (5) Framework of the change management for the governance enhancement at Balitar Islamic University. The objectives of this research were:  (1) To describe contexts for the  governance enhancement at Balitar  Islamic University , (2) To explain strategies for the governance enhancement at Balitar  Islamic University , (3) To describe conflict management for the governance enhancement at Balitar Islamic University, (4) To explain respons and outcome management for the governanc enhancement at Balitar Islamic University, and (5) To figure the framework of of the change management for the governance enhancement at Balitar Islamic  University. Using the qualitative approach and  the embeded single case study design, the researchers analyzed the phenomena. The data were collected by:  (1) thorough interview, (2) documentation study, and participant observation. The data were analyzed using the inter-active descriptive model (Miles and Hubberman, 1984). The data were analyzed individually in terms of the embeded case unit and then were combined for a synthesis to find the primary findings. The credibility, transferability, depend-ability, and objectivity of this research were checked by using only triangulation of data collection, triangulation of data sources, member check, and peer de-briefing due to the limitation of times.

            It has been concluded that (1) the organization change for the quality governance of Balitar Islamic University has been done on the basis of existing problems, but not on the basis of strategic planning, (2) the  Balitar Islamic University employed turnarround strategy that focusing on the compliance of legal operational permission, accreditation, enhancement of the learning facilities and infrastructures, and benchmarking with quality universities abroad. Besides, Rector and the chairman of the foundation used enterpreneurial approach, (3) conflicts in this change were not clearly seen, but the most crucial conflicts in the part of management was managed by using the so-called Family approach, (4) respons and attitude of the acadamian are given openly feedback and participants involvement, (5) the framework for the change can be described as follow: (a) firstly, the change was conducted due to the existing problem, (b) secondly, change was done rapidly with turnarround strategy and entrepreneurship approaches, (c) thirdly, the change process was done by deviding roles and responsibilities, (d) fourthly, Balitar Islamic University  gained trusts from the academian, Regional Private University Coordinator, Local government, and Community organization that awarded Rector the Victory Indonesian Enterpreneur and Education.

It is suggested that (1) to ensure the continuous improvement,  the change process was evaluated and strategically planned, (2) to optimize the results of change, it was  better that the University identified human resources competency and involves them in change on the basis of their  ability, (3) eventhough conflicts were not apparent,  analysis on the present condition and force field analysis could be done to help manage th driving forces and the restraining forces, (4) leading in the middle of the organization members to give extrinsict motivation is good to do by Rector, and (5) there shall be an evaluation of the framework of change.


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Come citare

Muwahid, M., Soehirman, S. M., & Akyak, A. (2017). A change management in the enhancement of the private university governance quality: A case study. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 4(4), 952–963. https://doi.org/10.25255/jss.2015.4.4.952.963


