The study of preparation strategy of senior high school (SMA / MA) graduates in Pasuruan


  • HM Zainuddin State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • Muslihati Muslihati State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia
  • IM Hambali State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia


Parole chiave:

Preparation, graduates, senior high school


Senior High School (SMA) is the formal education system of intermediate level after the junior secondary level that prepares graduates to continue their education to a higher level (college). In a policy perspective, senior high school (SMA) graduates are prepared to continue their education. Parents and the Junior High School (SMP) should prepare them comprehensively and independently. This study is intended to describe and analyze the various factors which become the references for educational success in senior high school (SMA/MA), such as the awareness of parents to determine the education of their children, the awareness of the students about the condition of a future which are full of challenges, the quality of education at the senior high school (SMA/MA) especially in strengthening educational character and the quality of workers as the need of workplace, including the role of government in addressing these conditions. The studies obtained from schools, namely accommodation and relevance of senior high school (SMA) curriculum development to the needs of workers in a good quality industry, the principal has a great commitment, availability of production units, partnerships with businesses and industries (DUDI), have a good simultaneous cooperation between vocational high school (SMK) and senior high school (SMA).


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Come citare

Zainuddin, H., Muslihati, M., & Hambali, I. (2017). The study of preparation strategy of senior high school (SMA / MA) graduates in Pasuruan. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 4(4), 945–951.


