The creation of the Internatinal Student's Complex, as the way of improving the integration of foreign students in Latvia, using the example of Universities of Latvia


  • Kristine MG.OEC. Golubkova Baltic International Academy, Riga, Latvia

Parole chiave:

Integration of the foreign students, training, target audience, project, student’s complex – organization, strategies, competitiveness


The integration of the foreign students as the research issue becomes today particularly topical in Latvia. It is determined by the considerable increase of the foreign students, who come to study in Latvian higher educational institutions. The integration process is closely related to allocation and further adaptation of the foreign students in the Latvian environment that is the problem at the preset stage and is not solved in the Latvian Republic. The given problem is capable to solve the creation of the new organization International Student  City Life – «ICS Life», the introduction of which is offered in one geographical segment of the Riga city, in the capital of Latvia in the Vidzeme suburb, in the place of the greatest concentration of the higher educational institutions.


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Come citare

Golubkova, K. M. (2014). The creation of the Internatinal Student’s Complex, as the way of improving the integration of foreign students in Latvia, using the example of Universities of Latvia. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 3(4), 462–484. Recuperato da


