The common heritage of humankind should serve all humanity


  • Dzhamal Mutagirov Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Parole chiave:

common heritage, Humankind, human rights, international law, justice


The right to life is a fundamental human right, and the main and indispensable for its implementation condition is a presence of necessary for the life of every human being means of existence, the main source of which is his labor for getting them and property in some form or another. Internationalization of public life, the growing education level of people, their awareness of the laws of nature and peoples lead to gradual awareness of, along with individual, group, community and transnational forms of ownership, and common property of all humankind. Contemporary international law recognizes this fact, but there is a necessity in finding ways, forms and mechanisms for the practical use of this common property for the benefit of all peoples of the Earth. This article suggests one of the possible variant of solutions to the problems of global importance.


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Biografia autore

Dzhamal Mutagirov, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Professor of the Saint Petersburg State University,

Director of the Centre for Study Human and Peoples Rights

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Mutagirov, D. (2014). The common heritage of humankind should serve all humanity. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 3(3), 417–425. Recuperato da


