The extent of achieving the goals of civic education in the light of the concept of globalization in the curriculum of the civic and national education of high elementary schools from Aqaba teacher’s perspective


  • Doha I. AL- Tarawneh, Dr. Lucturer Supervisor College of languages University of Jordan, Jordan
  • Jehan Hashim AL-Safasfeh Supervisor, Buseira Directorate of Educational, Ministry of Education, Jordan
  • Ekhlas M. Al.Edi, Dr. Assistant Professor, Balqa Applied University, Jordan


Kata Kunci:

Civic education, high elementary education, curriculum


The study aimed at revealing the extent of achieving the goals of civic education in the light of the concept of globalizationin the curriculum of the civic and national education of high elementary schools from Aqaba teacher’s perspective.  The study population consists of all the teachers of the social studies in elementary schools at Aqaba Governorate for the year (2019-2020). It consists of 49 teachers distributed in 17 schools. The study tried to answer the following questions:

  • To what degree the goals of civic education in the light of the concept of globalization in the curriculum of the civic and national education from Aqaba teacher’s perspective can be achieved?
  • Are there any statistical difference in the teacher’s evaluations to achieve thecurriculum of the civic and national education based on gender and level of education?

The study tools were a test and a questioner that measures the teachers’ view of the extent of achieving the goals of civic education in the light of the concept of globalization. Therefore it was divided into two parts one pertaining the citizenship values and the other one pertaining the goals of globalization. The researcher got the arithmetic averages and the standard deviations for each paragraph and for each field of the study. The stability coefficients of the study were measured individually in addition to the questioner coefficient of stability as a whole which was (0.78). The globalization stability coefficient was (0.78) and the civic education was (0.896) all of which are high and accepted stability coefficients. The arithmetic averages and the standard deviations were measured for the two parts of the study. It was noticed that the civic education got the lowest arithmetic average (3.01) and a standard deviation (0.91). As for the second part namely the globalization that got the highest arithmetic average (3.29) and a standard deviation (1.16). The researcher believes that the awareness of civic education and the goals of globalization are very important and should be included in the curriculum. Both come in accordance with the study conclusion.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Cara Mengutip

AL- Tarawneh, D. I., AL-Safasfeh, J. H., & Al.Edi, E. M. (2021). The extent of achieving the goals of civic education in the light of the concept of globalization in the curriculum of the civic and national education of high elementary schools from Aqaba teacher’s perspective. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 10(1), 17.34.