The Impact of Divorce on Mothers with children living conditions and behaviors: A study on a Sample of Divorcees in Jordan



Kata Kunci:

children, divorce, divorced mothers, Children of divorces parents, Impact of divorce


Divorce is known to have tremendous negative impacts on children. These impacts are detrimental to the development of children and their standards of living. Globally this topic is well research, while in our region still it needs more investigation and interventions. Therefore, the current research investigates the consequences of divorce on children and their mothers. It responds to the following questions, (a) Does divorce impact the daily living arrangement of divorced mothers and their children?, (b) Does mothers’ divorce impact the social behavior of their children? And (c) Does divorce impact the living standards of mothers’ and their children?


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Cara Mengutip

Abu Ghaboush, R., Al-Qdah, T., & Jomah, W. A. (2020). The Impact of Divorce on Mothers with children living conditions and behaviors: A study on a Sample of Divorcees in Jordan. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(4), 1531.1542.