The Effect of Adopting the International Standard (ISO 10015) in Training Programs on the Performance Quality of the Workers at the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities


  • Ibrahim Bazazo, Dr. University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Ehab Abdul Raheem Alshatnawi The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Omar Jawabreh University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Kefah Fare Alnahar Alshawagfih Independent Researcher, Amman, Jordan


Kata Kunci:

International Standard, ISO 10015, Training Programs, jordan


     The present study aims to diagnose and indicate the reality of training programs in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Jordan, through a statement of fact included international standard requirements of ISO 10015 in the training programs, and their impact on the performance of employees in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, where is the international standard ISO 10015 specialized training and upgrading the quality of human resources, given their importance in the best condition of high levels of functional efficiency, the study was based on data processing on the descriptive and analytical approach, quantitative approach overall in the analysis operations, has been designed questionnaire, which contained clauses items of international standard ISO 10015, which was used stratified random sample, which consisted of 50 workers in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The study results showed weakness in the identification of training needs and training programs according to the international ISO standards ISO 10015, and confined to the traditional aspects, the study recommended the need to include the approved training strategies at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Jordan international specification standards ISO 10015 at all based on identifying the needs of training programs; the aim achieving greater efficiency in the performance of staff, and based on the achievement of quality and excellence, which will reflect positively on the performance of employees in the tourism sector.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Cara Mengutip

Bazazo, I., Alshatnawi, E. A. R., Jawabreh, O., & Alshawagfih, K. F. A. (2017). The Effect of Adopting the International Standard (ISO 10015) in Training Programs on the Performance Quality of the Workers at the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(3), 694–708.




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