Alternative scheme of inclusion of international aviation in EU ETS and Chinese strategy


  • Yang Xubiao Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Kata Kunci:

MBMs, EU ETS, international aviation emission, aviation emissions mitigation, alternative scheme


After slow progress of discussions and negotiations on addressing international aviation emissions under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Union (EU) decided in 2008, starting from 2012, that all flights arriving to, and flying from the EU, would be included in its emission trading scheme (ETS). The EU’s unilateral action has created discord, widespread concern and controversy. Under this arrangement, and through many years of intense negotiations and hard work, three options of market-based measures (MBMs) for addressing international aviation emissions were proposed during the ICAO Council 196th Session in 2012. This paper attempts to discuss the three existing options of MBMs. This paper argues that, although this alternative MBM scheme had an important positive significance, the controversy was even more significant. Faced with such a situation, China should therefore think about what next to do. The author believes that to blindly oppose such a scheme would not solve the problem and would actually make the situation more complicated. China should therefore take on measures such as carbon emissions legislation, technology innovation and operational improvement, international negotiations and cooperation, and development of aviation emissions trading pilot.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.

Biografi Penulis

Yang Xubiao, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, China

Department of Aerial Operation Engineering, College of Aeronautic Transportation, Shanghai University of Engineering Science

Shanghai, 201620

Research Visitor at University of Edinburgh Business School


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Cara Mengutip

Xubiao, Y. (2014). Alternative scheme of inclusion of international aviation in EU ETS and Chinese strategy. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 3(3), 426–438. Diambil dari


