Learning at a distance with mobile phone


  • Khoo Yin Yin Department of Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
  • Noor Al-Huda Abdul Karim Department of Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia
  • Norasibah Abdul Jalil Department of Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia



Kata Kunci:

mobile learning, distance learners, motivation, Principles of Economics


This purpose of  the  study is to  examine the effects of mobile learning with Quick Response Code (QR code) to promote distance learners’ motivation towards the Principles of Economics. This mobile learning with QR code allowed the distance learners to learn and communicate anytime and anywhere with their peers and lecturers.  A survey method was employed in this study.  A set of 25 items questionnaire constructed by the researcher was used as an instrument for the study. A total of 152 distance learners from one public university in  Northern Malaysia were participated in this study. The findings showed that the  majority of the respondents had  positive results in the questionnaire.  This research can be revised to implement in secondary school or different courses of further study.


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Cara Mengutip

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