The Role of Local residents in Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Sites: Aqaba City, Jordan


  • Dr. Lama'a Mahmoud Al-Orainat PhD. Tourism and Hospitality Management, Ministry of Education, Jordan


Mots-clés :

Heritage, Heritage Cultural, Safeguarding


As a result of the global interest of the cultural heritage sites lay great significance on the residents' role in safeguarding the cultural heritage. Due to this interest, the importance of safeguarding the cultural heritage sites become the most important element of the development plans. The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of safeguarding the cultural heritage sites, the essential role of local resident and the government to safeguard their heritage and culture. Also, to review the perceptions and opinions of 40 respondents living in the investigated site, who were raised by the presence of these cultural sites, through the method of problem-centred interviews according to witzel (1982), which can summarize as: brief questionnaire, dialogue guideline, audio recording, and postscript. The results of the study highlighted the crucial need of involving and participation the local residents in safeguarding their cultural heritage. Besides, the need for greater public awareness and education in safeguarding cultural heritage, the government should involve the local residents in the planning and implementation projects which attend to safeguard the city’s cultural heritage.


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Comment citer

Al-Orainat, D. L. M. (2022). The Role of Local residents in Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Sites: Aqaba City, Jordan. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 11(3), 93.101.


