The effect of opening excuses on banking services in Islamic banks


  • Mutlaq Saad Al-Hajri


Mots-clés :

Islamic banks, banking services, opening excuses


This research examines a topic related to the principles of jurisprudence on the one hand, and contemporary financial transactions on the other hand, especially with regard to banking services in Islamic banks, where it deals with the topic (The Impact of Opening Excuses on Islamic Banking Services).

The research included two topics, and it came out, indicating the effect of opening the excuses in the business and banking services in Islamic banks of different forms, especially since the need in our time for these banking services is necessary, so that the masses of the Muslim community are hardly indispensable, which requires looking at them according to the purposes of the Sharia and taking into account the need People, while preserving the principles and principles of Sharia.

Then the conclusion came, and it included the most important results of the study.


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Comment citer

Al-Hajri, M. S. (2020). The effect of opening excuses on banking services in Islamic banks. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(3), 902.924.


