An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Work/Life Balance and Employee Engagement on Talent Management and Organization Performance: A Case of Jordan Telecom and IT Sector


  • Areej Al-Khateeb Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Kholoud Sudqi Al-Louzi, Dr. Department of Public Administration, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan


Mots-clés :

Corporate social responsibility, transformational leadership, firm performance, IT employees, Jordanian banks


This study aims to explore the relationship between talent management, work life balance, motivational drivers of employee engagement and organization performance in telecommunication and information technology sector in Jordan. Both work life balance and motivational drivers of employee engagement were examined as mediators between talent management and organization performance. The population of the study consists of the three main telecommunication operators in Jordan; Zain, Orange and Umniah with a total number of employees (3305), a random sample appointed from the population with a total 250 questionnaires filled up. The study found a positive relationship between talent management and its three dimensions, namely talent acquisition, talent development and talent retention with organization performance. Results also found a positive relationship between talent management and its three dimensions with work life balance. A positive relationship also found between talent management and its dimensions with motivational drivers of employee engagement. Finally, work life balance found to partially mediating the relationship between talent management and organization performance and motivational drivers of employee engagement fully mediating this relationship between talent management and organization performance. This study stated many recommendations for future researches.


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Comment citer

Al-Khateeb, A., & Al-Louzi, K. S. (2020). An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Work/Life Balance and Employee Engagement on Talent Management and Organization Performance: A Case of Jordan Telecom and IT Sector. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(3), 617.647.


