Reviewing the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction on the Effect of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance


  • Rana Khaled Abu Khalaf
  • Dr. Hazar Y. Hmoud University of Jordan
  • Dr. Bader Obeidat


Mots-clés :

Employee engagement, job satisfaction, organizational performance


Businesses are trying to flourish and adapt to the various challenges they encounter in today’s competitive environment by improving their organizational performance. In order to achieve better results and higher profit margins organizations are adopting various emerging business tools and management philosophies. Business performance relates to the achievement of a firm’s strategic objectives and growth goals. Both financial and non-financial measures should be used to enable a firm to make efficient strategic decisions and to measure long term success. The purpose of this paper is to reviewing the literature regarding the mediating role of job satisfaction on the impact of employee engagement on organizational performance.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Rana Khaled Abu Khalaf

Previous MBA student at the University of Jordan.

Dr. Hazar Y. Hmoud, University of Jordan

Hazar Y. Hmoud is an assistant professor at the Department of Management Information Systems, School of Business, The University of Jordan. 

Dr. Bader Obeidat

Bader Obeidat is an associate professor at the Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan.


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Comment citer

Abu Khalaf, R. K., Hmoud, D. H. Y., & Obeidat, D. B. (2019). Reviewing the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction on the Effect of Employee Engagement on Organizational Performance. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(1), 7–23.


