How to Bridge the Audit Expectation Gap?


  • Hassan Mansur Szent Istvan University, Doctoral school of Management and Business Administration Sciences, Pater Karolyutca, Hungary
  • Anita Tangl, Dr. Prof. Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Godollo, Hungary


Mots-clés :

Audit, Expectation Gap, Bridge the Gap


Purpose: This paper aimed to highlight the possibilities to bridge the audit expectation gap between external auditors and stakeholders.

Design/Type of Research: This paper is a review study based on the analysis of previous studies, reports and publications that are related to audit expectation gap, external audit profession and public perceptions towards the external auditors.

Limitations/Implications: The paper focused on audit expectation gap in the field of accounting and auditing. 



Conclusions are summarized as the following:

  • The audit expectation gap can be bridged through much more experiences, training, effort for auditors, and much more educating for financial statements’ users about the role and nature of audit profession.
  • Audit expectation gap could be bridged between external auditors and stakeholders, but couldn’t be eliminated completely.
  • Better communication between the auditors and the society may help reduce the gap.


There are some recommendations that could narrow the audit gap such as increase the awareness of public about the auditors’ responsibilities and duties, and increase the practitioners’ (external auditors) skills and abilities through education and training; increase the quality of audit standards.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Hassan Mansur, Szent Istvan University, Doctoral school of Management and Business Administration Sciences, Pater Karolyutca, Hungary

Hasan Mansur was born in Irbid, Jordan 1976. Mansur has a bachelor degree in accounting from Irbid National University – Irbid, Jordan. Master degree in Accounting from Yarmouk university- Irbid, Jordan. M.A in International Educational Management from University of Ludwigsburg – Ludwigsburg, Germany, and PhD Candidate at doctoral school of management and business administration at SzentIstvan University – Godollo, Hungary.


He has different experiences in banking sector, Audit and the last position is Head of Institutional Support at Ministry of Public Sector Development. He is also asenior lecturer and trainer at Institute of Banking Studies – Central Bank of Jordan. His research interestsin Audit field, International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS and Corporate Governance.


Mr. Mansur is a certified assessor at European Foundation Quality Management – EFQM Assessor.

Anita Tangl, Dr. Prof., Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Godollo, Hungary

Anita Tanglwas born in Szombathely, Hungary in 1966.    Tangl has an MSc Degree in agricultural economics from Godollo University, Hungary, 1989. She has MSc degree in teaching from Godollo University, 1992. She has Ph.D. in economics, 2002.  She is certificate accountant and tax advisor.

 She is Associate Professor at SzentIstvan University Godollo, Hungary.  She is teaching accounting and taxation. She is supervisors of Ph.D. students at Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration in Godollo. Her research field is the national and international accounting and the productivity improvement methods in accounting.

 Dr. Tangl is the Member of Hungarian Accounting Association and Hungarian AOTS Association.


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Comment citer

Mansur, H., & Tangl, A. (2018). How to Bridge the Audit Expectation Gap?. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 7(2), 61–73.


