The Impact of Work Ethics on Decision Making Efficiency in the Jordanian Public Sector


  • Samar Abdulrahman Al-Dmour University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan
  • Ra’ed (Moh'd Taisir) Masa'deh, Dr. Management Information Systems Department, The School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Musa Al-Lozi, Dr. University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan


Mots-clés :

Work Ethics, Decision Making Efficiency, Jordanian Public Sector


This study aims at investigating the impact of work ethics on the effectiveness of administrative decision making in the Jordanian public sector. The focus was mainly on the determination of the effect of elements such as integrity, justice, work proficiency, abiding by rules and regulations and preserving institutions’ properties on decision efficiency. In order to achieve the objective of the study, a questionnaire was designed to act as one scientific suitable tool to gather data and apply to a random sample. The questionnaire was distributed to over 400 public servants in four ministries: education, health, finance and ICT. The number of answered questionnaire suitable for the analysis purposes was 307 which is equivalent to 77% of the total distributed. The responses were processed and analysed using appropriate statistical techniques to answer the questions and assumptions posed by the study in the light of using analytical descriptive methodology.

The findings of the study show that there is an impact with significant statistical evidence of the work ethics elements. It was evident that the elements of proficiency of achieving work, abiding by rules and regulations and preserving institution properties had a clear impact on the efficiency of administrative decision making, while there was no such evidence for integrity and justice. On the other hand, there was no impact with significant statistical evidence of the work ethic elements that can be attributed to demographic factors such as age, education, sex, experience, and professional level, except for the latter with statistical-based impact related to justice.On the light of these results, a national strategy may be drafted by the ministry of development of the public sector, in cooperation with other ministries and representatives of the sector, aimed at rooting, implanting and promoting ethics in the public sector. Specialized programs may also be designed for public sector leaders to lead by example and to create a proactive organizational environment that advocates for virtues and attitudes. In addition, there is a need to establish a mechanism to ensure adherence to rules and regulations and to secure justice for public servant in matters such rewards incentives, evaluation and promotion.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Ra’ed (Moh'd Taisir) Masa'deh, Dr., Management Information Systems Department, The School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan

Associate Professor of Management Information Systems Department, School of Business, The University of Jordan

Musa Al-Lozi, Dr., University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan

President of Aqaba Branch, The University of Jordan, Jordan


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Comment citer

Al-Dmour, S. A., Masa’deh, R. (Moh’d T., & Al-Lozi, M. (2017). The Impact of Work Ethics on Decision Making Efficiency in the Jordanian Public Sector. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(1), 94–116.


