Transitioning Education Models from Industrialized to Knowledge


  • Shelley D. Chuchmuch Currnie Chuchmuch Foundation, Canada


Mots-clés :

law of attraction, self-assessment, multiple intelligences, self-regulation, culture, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, thought, cultures of responsibility


ABC-IQ Global Management Systems Narrative

Moving education systems from industrialized (compete) to knowledge (inspire) through the integration of self-assessment and multiple intelligences creating national identity and culture providing knowledge application or “Networked Intelligence MIND” training skills, creating and enhancing cultures of responsible globalized citizens and learners.


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Books Reuven Bar-On, J.G Maree, and Maurice Elias (Eds). Educating People to Be Emotionally Intelligent. Westport: Preaeger, 2007. Catherine Corrie. Becoming Emotionally Intelligent. London: Network Educational Press Ltd, 2003. Hay, Louise. “You Can Heal Your Life”. The Guernsey Press Co. Ltd, Guernsey, Channel Islands, 1998. Goleman, Daniel, “The New Leaders – Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Result”. Little Brown, 2002. Goleman, Daniel, “Primal Leadership”, Harvard Business School Press, 2002. Goleman, Daniel, “Working With Emotional Intelligence”, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1998. Goleman, Daniel, “Social Intelligence”, Bantam Books, 2007. Covey, Stephen R, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 1989. Covey, Stephen R, “The 9th Habit”. Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2004.

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Comment citer

Chuchmuch, S. D. (2015). Transitioning Education Models from Industrialized to Knowledge. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 4(2), 841–847.


