Attitudes of Regional States towards The Syrian Crises (2011-2018)


  • Islam Abdallah Falah Al-Mashaqbah


Palabras clave:

Syrian Crises, Regional States, Attitudes, Hezbollah


This study aimed at explaining the nature of the Syrian Crisis and the positions of regional states on it, and highlighting the causes of anxiety and fear among some regional political

The researcher used several methods to reach results with a tangible and realistic impact, including the historical approach and the approach of International system

Among the important findings of the research is that there is an active role for Iran and Hezbollah in the Syrian crisis while the Jordanian role was neutral, while the Turkish position was at the beginning of the crisis advising the Syrian regime to implement political reform MS based on a democratic system and political pluralism, but the Syrian regime managed his back Turkish demands which made Turkey stand by opposition while Saudi Arabia stood with the Syrian opposition and supported it with money.


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Cómo citar

Al-Mashaqbah, I. A. F. (2020). Attitudes of Regional States towards The Syrian Crises (2011-2018). Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 9(3), 876.901.