The implementation of quality management system using ISO 9001:2008 based Total Quality Management Concept (Case Study at the First State Public Vocational Secondary School at Singosari, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia)



Palabras clave:

Total Quality Management System, ISO 9001:2008, Vocational School


Vocational education as one part of the system Education of National is very strategic role for the form of national labour generation which was skillful. As strive to improve management and quality and also competitiveness hence applied by management system quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. Research focussed 1) How System Implementation Management Quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari, 2) Effort what is done by for the agenda of overcoming various resistance faced in management system implementation quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. Method Research weared in this research is device qualitative with method intake of data through interview, documentation and observation to informant namely components in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari. While data analysis through analysis of interactive (Miles and Huberman, 1994).Research finding of research focus I: 1) conducting two qualifying which have been commended by ISO 9001:2008, namely System Design Of Management Quality of through step of plan-do-check-action ( P-D-C-A) and Documentation System Management Quality of. Management Top (principal) organizational have to compare expectation of the customer with Organizational performance able to determine direction policy of Organization. 2). Have Commitment of customer satisfaction either from internal and external school started by given the expectation and requirement of customer. 3). Process looked into a study which continue to have continuation and over there will happened repairs to performance 4). Management system implementation quality of ISO 9001:2008 in Public Vocational High School of 1 at Singosari qualify total involvement from entire school component. Focus II: 1) Steps the done by principal in developing this commitment for example always communicate vision, target and mission go to school and also remind obligation and duty will each and also always inform position growth of school to all student and teachers 2) Process study to employees and teachers through giving of instruction work in writing and followed with explanation is verbally looked into by an effective enough in improving their motivation with cultural of quality. 3). Leader go to school and entire school component have high commitment to do repair on an ongoing with step of Plan, Do, Check and of Action by have cycle to supported by source which with quality.


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Cómo citar

suyitno, S. (2018). The implementation of quality management system using ISO 9001:2008 based Total Quality Management Concept (Case Study at the First State Public Vocational Secondary School at Singosari, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia). Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 7(1), 15–27.


