The identity of the Arab moral mind according to Al-Jabri: an analytical and comparative study


  • Abdul Karim Anayat, Dr. University of Setif 2, Algeria


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Muhammad Abid Al-Jabiri، the Arab moral mind، the question of ethics، moral identity، moral pluralism


We can only admit the existence of worthy contemporary Arab moral writings, and we have a good example in the work of Al-Jabri's Archeology. As he was able to identify the local and foreign elements of the Arab moral mind. Comparing this attempt with the most important Arab ethical book written at the beginning of the third millennium (2000) allows us to see the moral writing strategies that are inseparable from the philosophical, doctrinal and methodological choices. Therefore, we have devoted a comparative space that reveals the results of doctrinaire in moral writing and the difference between the historiography of ethics and the establishment of an original moral theory. In fact, the comparison we made also indicates ethical choices ranging from the theory of moral identity to the theory of the moral process. This is what was studied in the last component. The general problem on which the course of the study is related to the following question: How can we establish an Islamic moral theory of unified origin and purpose despite the fact that the Islamic identity is multiple in its components?


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


Aristote, éthique à Nicomaque, traduit J. Barthélemy saint – hilare, librairie générale française: (Paris, 1992).

Edgar Morin, la voie – pour l'avenir de l'humanité, édition Librairie Arthème Fayard: (Paris, 2011).

Edgar Morin,la Méthode- tome 6 éthique, éditions Seuil: ( Paris, 2008).

Emil Durkheim, l'éducation Morale, librairie Félix Alcan:( Paris, 1925).

Emmanuel Kant, critique de la raison pratique, traduit par F. Picavet, édition Felix Alcan:( Paris, 1888).

Eschyle, les Perses, traduction Danielle Sonnier et Boris Donné, édition GF Flammarion:( Paris, 2000).

Friedrich Nietzsche, la généalogie de la Morale, traduit par Henri Albert, éditions Cérès: (Tunis, 1995).

Gilles Lipovitsky , Le crépuscule du devoir- l’éthique indolore des nouveau temps démocratiques, édition Gallimard:( Paris, 1992).

Hans Jonas, le principe responsabilité- une éthique pour la civilisation technologique, traduit Jean Greisch, les éditions du CERF:(Paris, 1991).

Henri Bergson, les deux sources de la Morale et de la religion, librairie Félix Alcan: (Paris, 11eme édition, 1932).




كيفية الاقتباس

Anayat, A. K. (2021). The identity of the Arab moral mind according to Al-Jabri: an analytical and comparative study. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 10(2), 208.231.