The Impact of Captured Some Crusades Leaderships By Noria Leadership On The Crusader-Muslim Conflict Events 543- 555 H/ 1148– 1160 AD


  • Ali Ibrahim Muhammad Imran A doctoral student at the University of Jordan and a researcher interested in the crusade in the Middle Ages.


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Crusades Leaderships، The Impact، Bertrand of Blanquefort، Noria Leadership، Manuel Comnenus


We will discuss in this research a significant issue in the Crusades history, namely, captured a group of Crusades leaderships by the leader Nour al-Din Mahmoud al-Zenki, it is one of the various Crusader emirates in the east, that in the end of the second crusade against the Levant, in the period from 543 to 555 H/ 1148 to 1160 AD. Through this research we will provide a brief about them and about their stature among the Crusades in the east, and how they captured, in which battles it was done. The most significant and prominent is clarify the impact of arrest these leaderships on the Crusader-Muslim conflict events, and we will clarify the impact of this on each party, by follow-up the historical events after arrested those leaderships, and the resulting of important gains for the Islamic side, where we will notice its negative consequences on the Crusades side.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Muhammad Imran, A. I. (2019). The Impact of Captured Some Crusades Leaderships By Noria Leadership On The Crusader-Muslim Conflict Events 543- 555 H/ 1148– 1160 AD. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(4), 711.740.